This class starts with an introduction to Threads of Life and the work of the natural dye studio, including a walk around the dye plant garden and an overview of traditional natural dyes from Indonesia. After the instructions, you will create your first personal resist tie-and-dye piece using a range of found objects, along with clamping, folding, or even stitching to create bindings that resist the indigo dye. Starting with a small prayer flag, progressing to a scarf, and ending with a T-shirt, the outcome is always a surprise!
You will receive a cotton T-shirt, a 50 x 50 cm 100% cotton handkerchief, white pre-scoured cotton cloth to explore the technique, two 30 x 60 cm prayer flags to hang in our garden and at home, and a 220 x 54 cm cotton scarf-size cloth.
All workshop tools and materials, as well as snacks, beverages such as coffee and tea, free-flowing drinking water are provided. Please note that this workshop is not suitable for children under 10 years old.
Free Shuttle: Pick up at 9.30 AM at Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan. Morning transfers from Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan to Threads of Life Natural Dye Studio, and afternoon transfers back to Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan. If you are staying outside of Ubud, either arrange your own studio transfers or arrange to meet the shuttle at Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan.
This class starts with an introduction to Threads of Life and the work of the natural dye studio, including a walk around the dye plant garden and an overview of traditional natural dyes from Indonesia. After the instructions, you will create your first personal resist tie-and-dye piece using a range of found objects, along with clamping, folding, or even stitching to create bindings that resist the indigo dye. Starting with a small prayer flag, progressing to a scarf, and ending with a T-shirt, the outcome is always a surprise!
Kelas ini dimulai dengan perkenalan tentang Threads of Life dan kerja-kerja studio pewarna kain alami ini, termasuk berjalan di taman tanaman pewarna dan ikhtisar tentang pewarna alami tradisional dari Indonesia. Setelah mendapatkan instruksi, Anda akan membuat karya tie-and-dye resist pertama Anda menggunakan berbagai objek yang dapat ditemukan, serta teknik menjepit, melipat, atau bahkan menjahit untuk membuat ikatan yang dapat menahan pewarna indigo. Dimulai dengan bendera doa kecil, kemudian berlanjut ke syal, dan diakhiri dengan kaos, hasilnya akan selalu menjadi kejutan!
Anda akan mendapatkan kaos katun, sebuah saputangan 100% katun berukuran 50 x 50 cm, kain katun putih sikat untuk mengeksplorasi teknik, dua bendera doa berukuran 30 x 60 cm untuk digantung di taman dan di rumah, serta kain seukuran syal sebesar 220 x 54 cm.
Semua alat dan bahan lokakarya, serta camilan, minuman seperti kopi dan teh, dan air minum akan disediakan. Harap dicatat bahwa lokakarya ini tidak cocok untuk anak-anak di bawah usia 10 tahun.
Shuttle Gratis: Penjemputan pada pukul 9.30 pagi di Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan. Rute pagi dari Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan ke Threads of Life Natural Dye Studio, dan rute sore kembali ke Pura Dalem Puri Peliatan. Jika Anda menginap di luar Ubud, Anda bisa mengatur transfer Anda sendiri ke studio atau untuk bertemu di Pura Dalem Peliatan.