Felix Cheong is a Singaporean author with 25 books across various genres, including poetry, short stories, children's picture books, and graphic novels. His works are often included in anthologies and featured in 'O' and 'A' level exams. He has received nominations for both the Frank O'Connor Award and the Singapore Literature Prize. His latest publication is Sprawl: God's Lonely Man, a graphic novel created in collaboration with Malaysian artist Arif Rafhan. In 2020, Felix's libretto At One Time, with music by Jonathon Shin, won third place in the New Opera Singapore Open Call for Composition competition.
Felix Cheong adalah penulis asal Singapura yang telah menghasilkan 25 buku dalam berbagai genre, termasuk puisi, cerpen, buku anak bergambar, dan novel grafis. Karyanya sering masuk dalam antologi dan muncul dalam ujian 'O' dan 'A' level. Ia telah menerima nominasi untuk Frank O'Connor Award dan Singapore Literature Prize. Terbitan terbarunya ialah Sprawl: God's Lonely Man, sebuah novel grafis yang dibuat atas kolaborasi dengan seniman Malaysia Arif Rafhan. Pada tahun 2020, libretto karya Felix At One Time, dengan musik oleh Jonathon Shin, meraih juara ketiga dalam kompetisi New Opera Singapore Open Call for Composition.