Film Program
25 October 2024 | 19:00 - 22:00
Alang-Alang Stage

This film by Khozy Rizal tells the story of Basri and Salma, a married couple of five years who run a carousel at a carnival. They spend their days entertaining and caring for other people’s children while struggling with their own inability to have a child. Amidst family interference, self-doubt, and explosive confrontations, they uncover the reason behind their childlessness. The film has been selected for the Cannes Film Festival - Short Competition 2023 World Premiere and has been featured in several international film festivals, including the Guanajuato International Film Festival 2023 in Mexico, where it won the Best International Short Fiction Award; the Busan International Film Festival 2023 in South Korea; and the Heart of Gold International Short Film Festival 2023 in Australia, among others.

Film karya Khozy Rizal ini menceritakan kisah Basri dan Salma, sepasang suami istri yang telah menikah selama lima tahun dan memiliki odong-odong bersama di sebuah karnaval. Mereka menghabiskan hari-harinya dengan menghibur dan mengasuh anak orang lain tanpa ada anak mereka sendiri. Antara campur tangan kerabat, keraguan diri, dan konfrontasi yang meledak-ledak, mereka mengungkap mengapa mereka belum dikaruniai seorang anak. Film ini berhasil masuk Cannes Film Festival - Short Competition 2023 World Premiere dan telah ditampilkan di beberapa festival film internasional seperti Guanajuato International Film Festival 2023 di Meksiko, di mana film ini meraih Best International Short Fiction Award; Busan International Film Festival 2023 di Korea Selatan; dan Heart of Gold International Short Film Festival 2023 di Australia, dan masih banyak lagi.

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