Steve Stine is an American storyteller, mythologist, and writer. His love affair with nature began in childhood, shaping his life and guiding his work. I, Enoch is an imaginative compendium of the author’s experiences as a student of Eastern traditions, the great outdoors, mythology, and depth psychology. He is a longtime practitioner in developing people and leaders and firmly believes that balancing the scientific with the metaphysical is essential for humanity to reach its potential. He contends that story-based narratives are pathways to this possibility. Steve divides his time between the United States and Bali, Indonesia, where he cherishes his long-time marriage and is blessed with two extraordinary daughters.
This book delves into a world where, for millennia, humans and the Nephilim—mysterious mountain-dwelling beings—lived apart and in relative harmony. The Nephilim descended from on high to dwell among humans, bringing knowledge of the world and the cosmos. They shared all their secrets, but in doing so, they changed human trajectory and unwittingly condemned themselves to an unspeakable existence, locked away in Deep Earth. For the next 10,000 years, under human dominion, the planet suffers. Now, facing the prospect of a sixth mass extinction, only one individual has a plan to save both people and the planet. Aided by those with special knowledge of the underworld, Enoch and the crew of the Orpheus journey downward. Steeped in the emerging genre of climate fiction, I, Enoch is a modern-day mythology that takes you on a journey to the center of the world and the center of your own being.
Buku ini mengeksplorasi dunia di mana, selama ribuan tahun, manusia dan Nephilim—makhluk misterius yang tinggal di pegunungan—hidup terpisah dan relatif harmonis. Nephilim turun dari tempat tinggi untuk tinggal di antara manusia, membawa pengetahuan tentang dunia dan kosmos. Mereka membagikan semua rahasia mereka, tetapi dengan melakukan itu, mereka mengubah arah perkembangan manusia dan tanpa sengaja mengutuk diri mereka sendiri ke dalam keberadaan yang amat buruk, terkurung di Deep Earth. Selama 10.000 tahun berikutnya, di bawah kekuasaan manusia, planet ini menderita. Sekarang, menghadapi prospek kepunahan massal keenam, hanya satu individu yang memiliki rencana untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia dan planet ini. Dibantu oleh mereka yang memiliki pengetahuan khusus tentang dunia bawah, Enoch dan kru Orpheus melakukan perjalanan ke bawah. Terinspirasi oleh genre fiksi iklim yang sedang berkembang, I, Enoch adalah mitologi modern yang membawa Anda dalam perjalanan ke pusat dunia dan pusat dari diri Anda sendiri.
Steve Stine
Bagus Ari Saputra
Bagus Ari Saputra is a Finnish-born Indonesian poet, writer, and advocate for literature. He has mesmerized audiences with his poetry in three distinct languages, captivating listeners in Indonesia, Finland, and England. His poetic talent shines through in the anthology Rasasastra from 2020. Additionally, Bagus is the visionary behind Ubud Book Club, a thriving literary community rooted in Bali.
Bagus Ari Saputra adalah seorang penyair, penulis, dan pegiat sastra Indonesia yang lahir di Finandia. Ia telah menyihir banyak penonton dengan puisi-puisinya dalam tiga bahasa yang sangat berbeda, memukau para pendengar di Indonesia, Finlandia, dan Inggris. Bakat puisinya bersinar dalam antologi Rasasastra 2020. Lebih jauh lagi, Bagus adalah visioner di balik Ubud Book Club, sebuah komunitas sastra yang berakar di Bali, yang kini berkembang pesat.