Film Program
25 October 2024 | 19:00 - 22:00
Alang-Alang Stage

This film, produced by Nirartha Bas Diwangkara, follows Aditya, a young personal assistant at a renowned Hindu ashram led by a charismatic spiritual leader. Aditya becomes conflicted when he develops romantic feelings for a new, innocent recruit named Chandra and discovers that his Guru has also developed a strong attraction to the new disciple. The film premiered at the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) 2023 as a selected short film under the special title Renaissance of Indonesian Cinema.

Film yang diproduksi oleh Nirartha Bas Diwangkara ini mengikuti Aditya, seorang asisten pribadi muda di sebuah ashram Hindu terkenal yang dipimpin oleh seorang pemimpin spiritual karismatik. Aditya merasa dilema ketika mulai timbul perasaan romantis terhadap seorang rekrutan baru nan lugu bernama Chandra, dan menemukan bahwa Gurunya juga memiliki ketertarikan yang kuat terhadap murid baru tersebut. Film ini tayang perdana di Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) 2023 sebagai film pendek terpilih di bawah judul Renaissance of Indonesian Cinema.

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