
Norman Erikson Pasaribu is a Toba Batak poet and writer. His first poetry collection, Sergius Mencari Bacchus, won the 2015 Jakarta Arts Council Poetry Manuscript Competition and led him to receive the 2017 Sastrawan Muda Award from the Southeast Asia Literary Council (Mastera). His book of fiction, Happy Stories, Mostly (tr. Tiffany Tsao), gained international critical acclaim, winning the 2022 Republic of Consciousness Prize for Small Presses and being listed for the 2022 International Booker Prize, the 2023 National Book Critics Circle's Barrios Book in Translation, the 2023 National Translation Award for Prose, and the 2023 Cercador Prize for Literature in Translation. His latest book, My Dream Job, was published this year by Tilted Axis Press. Norman, a sixteenth-generation descendant of Siraja Bondar of the indigenous Toba Batak, was also the inaugural recipient of the Patricia Kailis International Writing Fellowship and served as a Harvard University Asia Center artist-in-residence for 2023–2024.

Norman Erikson Pasaribu adalah seorang penyair dan penulis Batak Toba. Kumpulan puisi pertamanya, Sergius Mencari Bacchus, berhasil menjuarai Sayembara Manuskrip Puisi Dewan Kesenian Jakarta tahun 2015 dan mengantarkannya mendapatkan penghargaan Sastrawan Muda tahun 2017 dari Dewan Sastra Asia Tenggara (Mastera). Buku fiksinya, Happy Stories, Mostly (diterjemahkan oleh Tiffany Tsao), mendapatkan pujian internasional. Buku ini berhasil memenangkan penghargaan Republic of Consciousness Prize for Small Presses tahun 2022 dan masuk dalam daftar International Booker Prize tahun 2022, National Book Critics Circle's Barrios Book in Translation tahun 2023, National Translation Award for Prose tahun 2023, dan Cercador Prize for Literature in Translation tahun 2023. Buku terbarunya, My Dream Job, diterbitkan tahun ini oleh Tilted Axis Press. Norman, seorang keturunan generasi ke-16 Siraja Bondar dari suku asli Batak Toba, juga merupakan penerima pertama Patricia Kailis International Writing Fellowship dan seniman tamu di Harvard University Asia Center untuk tahun 2023–2024. 

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