
Amanda Katili Niode is the Director of Climate Reality Indonesia, a global climate change leadership organization managing 1,000 volunteers across Indonesia as part of The Climate Reality Project. Amanda is a certified Executive Coach, Trainer, and Mentor with expertise in Environmental Management, Climate Action, and Sustainability. She is a founding member of the International Environmental Communication Association and currently chairs the Omar Niode Foundation for Culture & Culinary Arts. Additionally, she serves on the boards of several national and international non-profit organizations. Her previous roles include Head of the Expert Team at the Office of the Indonesian President’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Special Assistant to the Minister of Environment. Since 2007, Amanda has been a dedicated member of the Indonesian Delegation to the Conference of Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC and plays an important role in Climate Reality Indonesia’s activities at the Indonesia Pavilion. Amanda earned her PhD from the School of Environment & Sustainability at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, and completed her undergraduate studies at the School of Natural Sciences and Technology at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.

Amanda Katili Niode adalah Direktur Climate Reality Indonesia, sebuah organisasi kepemimpinan perubahan iklim global yang mengelola 1.000 relawan di seluruh Indonesia sebagai bagian dari The Climate Reality Project. Amanda adalah seorang Executive Coach, Trainer, dan Mentor bersertifikat dengan keahlian di bidang Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Aksi Iklim, dan Keberlanjutan. Ia merupakan anggota pendiri International Environmental Communication Association dan saat ini menjabat sebagai Ketua Omar Niode Foundation for Culture & Culinary Arts. Selain itu, ia juga duduk di dewan beberapa organisasi non-pemerintah nasional dan internasional. Peran yang pernah ia jalankan sebelumnya mencakup Kepala Tim Ahli di Kantor Utusan Khusus Presiden untuk Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim dan Asisten Khusus Menteri Lingkungan Hidup. Sejak tahun 2007, Amanda telah menjadi anggota Delegasi Indonesia di Conference of Parties (COP) UNFCCC dan memainkan peran penting dalam kegiatan Climate Reality Indonesia di Indonesia Pavilion. Amanda meraih gelar PhD dari School of Environment & Sustainability di University of Michigan, Amerika Serikat, dan menyelesaikan studi sarjananya di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.

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