
Ben Bland is a British author and expert on geopolitics in Asia, with a deep interest in Indonesia. He serves as the Director of the Asia-Pacific Programme at Chatham House, a global think tank in London. His work primarily explores the intersection of politics, economics, and international relations in Southeast Asia, alongside China's expanding influence and US-China strategic competition. Previously, he led the Southeast Asia program at the Lowy Institute in Sydney. Ben has authored two well-received books on Asian politics: Man of Contradictions: Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia and Generation HK: Seeking Identity in China’s Shadow. He frequently advises senior officials and contributes to major media outlets like Bloomberg, CNN, and The New York Times. Before his current role, Ben was an award-winning correspondent for the Financial Times, reporting extensively from Hanoi, Jakarta, and Hong Kong. He holds an MA in Southeast Asian Studies from SOAS, University of London, and a history degree from the University of Cambridge.

Ben Bland adalah seorang penulis asal Inggris dan ahli geopolitik di Asia dengan minat mendalam pada Indonesia. Ia menjabat sebagai Direktur Program Asia-Pasifik di Chatham House, sebuah wadah pemikir global di London. Karya-karyanya utamanya mengeksplorasi persimpangan antara politik, ekonomi, dan hubungan internasional di Asia Tenggara, serta pengaruh China dan persaingan strategis AS-China. Sebelumnya, ia memimpin program Asia Tenggara di Lowy Institute di Sydney. Ben telah menulis dua buku yang mendapat sambutan baik tentang politik Asia: Man of Contradictions: Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia dan Generation HK: Seeking Identity in China’s Shadow. Ia sering memberikan pertimbangan kepada pejabat senior dan berkontribusi pada media-media besar seperti Bloomberg, CNN, dan The New York Times. Sebelum perannya saat ini, Ben adalah koresponden pemenang penghargaan untuk Financial Times, melaporkan secara ekstensif dari Hanoi, Jakarta, dan Hong Kong. Ia memiliki gelar MA dalam Studi Asia Tenggara dari SOAS, University of London, dan gelar Sejarah dari University of Cambridge.

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