
Faisal Oddang writes fiction, poetry, and essays. Some of his books include Puya ke Puya, Manurung, Tiba Sebelum Berangkat, Sawerigading Datang dari Laut, and Raymond Carver Terkubur Mi Instan di Iowa. In addition to writing, Faisal also teaches at the Indonesian Literature Department of Universitas Hasanuddin and is actively involved with Kabisat Publishing. He was a curator for the 2022 & 2023 Makassar International Writers Festival and the Emerging Writers program of the 2024 Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. The awards and fellowships he has received include Kompas Best Short Story Writer in 2014 & 2018, 4th Winner of the Jakarta Arts Council Novel Competition in 2014, ASEAN Young Writers Award 2014 from the Thai Government, Tempo Art Figure in 2015, Robert Bosch Stiftung Literarisches Colloquium Berlin in 2018, and International Writing Program USA in 2018. He was also a finalist of Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa 2018, a nominee for the Badan Bahasa Literary Award 2020, and the winner of the Sastrawan Muda Mastera award in 2023. As a writer, Faisal has been invited to various literary festivals and seminars, including the Iowa Book Festival 2018, London Book Fair 2019, Agor Drysau Festival 2019, Indonesian Cultural House Literary Meeting 2019, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2014, 2019, & 2023, Salihara International Literary Biennale 2015, Makassar International Writers Festival 2012-2023, Banggai Literary Festival 2018, Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival 2018, and Rainy Day Literary Festival 2018.

Faisal Oddang menulis fiksi, puisi, dan esai. Beberapa bukunya antara lain Puya ke Puya, Manurung, Tiba Sebelum Berangkat, Sawerigading Datang dari Laut, dan Raymond Carver Terkubur Mi Instan di Iowa. Selain menulis, Faisal juga mengajar di Departemen Sastra Indonesia Universitas Hasanuddin, serta bergiat di Penerbit Kabisat. Ia merupakan kurator Makassar International Writers Festival 2022 & 2023, serta kurator Emerging Writers Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2024. Penghargaan dan fellowship yang pernah ia terima mencakup Penulis Cerpen Terbaik Kompas 2014 & 2018, Pemenang IV Sayembara Novel Dewan Kesenian Jakarta 2014, Asean Young Writers Award 2014 dari Pemerintah Thailand, Tokoh Seni Tempo 2015, Robert Bosch Stiftung Literarisches Colloquium Berlin 2018, International Writing Program USA 2018, Finalis Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa 2018, Nomine Penghargaan Sastra Badan Bahasa 2020, dan Sastrawan Muda Majelis Sastra Asia Tenggara 2023. Sebagai penulis, Faisal telah diundang di berbagai festival dan seminar sastra, antara lain Iowa Book Festival 2018, London Book Fair 2019, Agor Drysau Festival 2019, Temu Sastra Rumah Budaya Indonesia 2019, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2014, 2019, & 2023, Salihara International Literary Biennalle 2015, Makassar International Writers Festival 2012-2023, Festival Sastra Banggai 2018, Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival 2018, dan Rainy Day Literary Festival 2018.

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