Jose Trindade is a doctoral student in Indigenous Knowledge at the Indigenous Knowledge Institute at the University of Melbourne. Originally from Timor-Leste, Jose has worked as a Socio-Cultural Adviser to the President of the Council of Ministers for the Government of Timor-Leste and is an advocate for fundamental issues relating to culture, beliefs, traditional systems in his homeland. He is a prolific researcher and writer on Timor-Leste, with a published book of his collected essays.
Jose Trindade adalah mahasiswa doktoral di Indigenous Knowledge Institute, University of Melbourne. Berasal dari Timor-Leste, Jose pernah bekerja sebagai Penasihat Sosial-Budaya untuk Presiden Dewan Menteri Timor Leste dan merupakan advokat untuk isu-isu mendasar terkait budaya, kepercayaan, dan sistem tradisional di tanah kelahirannya. Ia juga merupakan peneliti dan penulis produktif tentang Timor Leste, dengan buku berisi kumpulan esainya telah diterbitkan.