Abhay K. is an Indian poet, editor, translator, and diplomat. He is the author of several poetry collections and the editor of six books, including The Book of Bihari Literature. His poems have appeared in over a hundred literary magazines across the globe, and his Earth Anthem has been translated into over 160 languages. He received the SAARC Literary Award in 2013 and was invited to record his poems at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., in 2018. His translations of Kalidasa’s Meghaduta and Ritusamhara from Sanskrit won him the KLF Poetry Book of the Year Award for 2020–21. His translation of the Magahi novel Fool Bahadur has been published by Penguin Random House, India.
Abhay K. adalah seorang penyair, editor, penerjemah, dan diplomat asal India. Ia adalah penulis beberapa kumpulan puisi dan editor dari enam buku, termasuk The Book of Bihari Literature. Puisinya telah muncul di lebih dari seratus majalah sastra di seluruh dunia, dan karyanya yang bertajuk Earth Anthem telah diterjemahkan ke dalam lebih dari 160 bahasa. Ia menerima SAARC Literary Award pada tahun 2013 dan diundang untuk merekam puisinya di Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., pada tahun 2018. Terjemahannya untuk karya-karya Kalidasa, Meghaduta dan Ritusamhara, dari bahasa Sanskerta memenangkan KLF Poetry Book of the Year Award untuk tahun 2020–21. Terjemahannya atas novel Magahi Fool Bahadur telah diterbitkan oleh Penguin Random House, India.