
Claire Betita de Guzman is a Filipina writer based in Singapore and author of six novels: Hue City, Sudden Superstar, Miss Makeover, Budget is the New Black, Girl Meets World, and No Boyfriend Since Birth, which was adapted into a TV series. A former journalist, she started as a reporter for the broadsheet Today before becoming a lifestyle editor for international and local magazines, including Cosmopolitan Philippines and Harper's Bazaar Singapore. She works closely with the Migrant Writers of Singapore and has led talks and panels at literary events, including the Singapore Writers Festival and Poetry Festival Singapore. She graduated cum laude in Journalism from the University of the Philippines and has taken writing courses at the University of Oxford. She has also been a fellow in literary workshops in Europe and Asia, including Miradoux, France, Bali, Indonesia, and Tbilisi, Georgia. She is co-author of Dreaming of the Divine Downstairs and co-editor of Get Luckier, an anthology of Philippine-Singapore writings.

Claire Betita de Guzman adalah seorang penulis Filipina yang berbasis di Singapura. Ia menulis enam novel: Hue City, Sudden Superstar, Miss Makeover, Budget is the New Black, Girl Meets World, dan No Boyfriend Since Birth, yang telah diadaptasi menjadi serial TV. Sebagai mantan jurnalis, ia memulai kariernya sebagai reporter untuk surat kabar Today sebelum menjadi editor gaya hidup untuk majalah internasional dan lokal, termasuk Cosmopolitan Philippines dan Harper's Bazaar Singapore. Ia bekerja sama dengan Migrant Writers of Singapore dan telah memandu diskusi serta panel di berbagai acara sastra, termasuk Singapore Writers Festival dan Poetry Festival Singapore. Ia lulus dengan predikat cum laude di bidang Jurnalisme dari Universitas Filipina dan telah mengambil kursus menulis di University of Oxford. Ia juga pernah menjadi peserta dalam lokakarya sastra di Eropa dan Asia, termasuk di Miradoux, Prancis; Bali, Indonesia; dan Tbilisi, Georgia. Ia adalah salah satu penulis Dreaming of the Divine Downstairs dan salah satu editor Get Luckier, sebuah antologi tulisan Filipina-Singapura.

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